Trapamine WAV MiDi AiFF

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让 Trapamine 穿过您的血管,利用由火节拍与新的 808 / Snare / Hihat / FX 声 […]



让 Trapamine 穿过您的血管,利用由火节拍与新的 808 / Snare / Hihat / FX 声音混合制成的 Trap 元素,以及使用闻所未闻的合成器、弹拨、主奏等的迷幻旋律。该包包含 7 个节拍构建套件。除了以 4 种形式使用的所有元素:循环/一击命中/多重采样/Midi 文件。通过使用这些强大的前所未闻的声音来控制下一代嘻哈音乐。演示中的节拍灵感来自:Strange music 中的 Se7en、Mike will、metroboomin、zaytoven、808 mafia。
Let the Trapamine go through your veins, take use of th element of Trap made by a mix of fire beats with new 808 / Snare / Hihat / FX sounds, with psychedelic melodies using unheard synths, plucks, leads and more. The pack contains 7 Construction kits of beats. in addition of all elements used in 4 forms : Loops / One shot hits / Multisamples / Midi Files. Take control of the future generation of Hip Hop Music by using these powerfull unheard sounds. The beats on the demo are inspired from : Se7en from Strange music, Mike will, metroboomin, zaytoven, 808 mafia.
