“TrapLoftD Melodic”是全新的旋律专用系列。这个系列带来了六种旋律构建套件,从 Boom Bap Hip Hop 到 Pop 和 Chill。您需要做的就是添加鼓!这个新系列旨在带来优美的旋律,激发您的每一种创意感官,并成为每部经典作品的配乐。这个包非常适合寻找想象力火花的制作人,同时仍然有开放空间来真正运行它。
‘TrapLoftD Melodic’ is a brand new melody-only series. This collection brings six melodic Construction Kits ranging from Boom Bap Hip Hop to Pop and Chill. All you need to do is add drums! This new series is designed to bring beautiful melodies that will inspire every one of your creative senses and be the soundtrack behind every classic to come. This pack is perfect for the producer looking for a spark of imagination, while still having the open space to truly run with it.