Vox Sample Kit Vol.3 WAV

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宣布 Vox 样品套件卷。 3!自上次官方声音套件发布以来的 14 个月之后,对这个备受期待的声音包的等待已经 […]



宣布 Vox 样品套件卷。 3!自上次官方声音套件发布以来的 14 个月之后,对这个备受期待的声音包的等待已经结束!这个系列的第三个人声套件可能是最好的一个!先前发布的 Vox Kit Vol。 1 和 TCustomz Vox 套件卷。 2 受到了音乐制作人社区的极大欢迎——从有抱负的节拍制作人到成熟的行业制作人。这是一个绝对的重击手!网站上发布的最大声音包! (总共 150 多种声音)。这个套件完全充满了令人兴奋的高能量摇滚、放克和深情的 vox stabs,以及声乐运行等等。数小时、数天、数周和数月的时间用于挖掘、精确切割、进一步处理和均衡这些声音以供直接使用。零绒毛。绝对最好的包括在内。用这些不可否认的声音添加最后的润色并提升您的节拍。保证您不会在任何其他套件中找到这些稀有和独特的声音!赶紧收下这个吧!
Announcing the Vox Sample Kit Vol. 3! After fourteen months since the last official sound kit release, the wait for this highly-anticipated sound pack is over! The third vocal kit in this series may be the very best one yet! Both the previously released Vox Kit Vol. 1 and TCustomz Vox Kit Vol. 2 have been tremendously received by the music producer community – from aspiring beatmakers to establised industry producers alike. This one’s an absolute heavy-hitter! The largest sound pack EVER released on the site! (150+ total sounds). This kit’s completely filled to the brim with exciting, high-energy Rock, Funk and soulful vox stabs, as well as vocal runs and much more. Hours, days, weeks and months went into digging, precisely chopping and further processing and EQing these sounds for direct usability. Zero fluff. The absolute best of the best is included. Add the finishing touches and next-level your beats with these undeniable sounds. Guaranteed that you won’t find these rare and exclusive sounds in any other kits! Grab this one now!
