Blues Guitar EZmix Pack WiN

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在战后 1950 年代的美国,当布鲁斯吉他从原声吉他转向电吉他时,这是一场革命的开始。从那时起,没有什么比布鲁 […]



在战后 1950 年代的美国,当布鲁斯吉他从原声吉他转向电吉他时,这是一场革命的开始。从那时起,没有什么比布鲁斯对吉他驱动音乐的发展影响更大了。像 Howlin' Wolf、Muddy Waters 和 Jimmy Reed 这样的先驱者不仅为乐器可以承载与人声一样多的声音铺平了道路,而且他们放大的和弦的弦音也为这个行业奠定了基础。不用说,我们欠布鲁斯很多东西——尤其是吉他英雄。 Blues Guitars EZmix Pack 继承了这一传统,并着手从那时到现在捕捉电蓝调吉他的精髓。该系列由 Toontrack 声音设计师、吉他收藏家和长期放大器爱好者 Ulf Edlund 制作,经过精心雕刻,以模仿多个经典放大器、扬声器和单块效果器。从 1950 年代的原始和肮脏的音调和 1960 年代的英国布鲁斯热潮到今天的高增益清晰度,您可以期待任何东西。凭借 6 年的原始资料和灵感,这可以说是有史以来以数字形式捕获的最真实的布鲁斯吉他来源。你现在只需要一个即兴演奏。拿出你的吉他!
When blues guitar shifted from primarily acoustic to electric in the post-war 1950s USA, it was the beginning of a revolution. Since then, nothing has been more influential on the development of guitar-driven music than the blues. Pioneers like Howlin’ Wolf, Muddy Waters and Jimmy Reed not only paved the way for music where an instrument can carry as much of a voice as a vocal, but the twang of their amplified chords also laid the groundwork to an industry. Needless to say, we owe a lot to the blues – not least the guitar hero. The Blues Guitars EZmix Pack picks up on this legacy and sets out to capture the essence of electric blues guitar from then through now. Crafted by Ulf Edlund, Toontrack sound designer, guitar collector and longtime amp aficionado, this collection was carefully sculpted to emulate several classic amps, speakers and stomp boxes. Expect anything from the raw and dirty tones of the 1950s and the British blues boom of the 1960s to the hi-gain clarity of today. With six decades worth of source material and inspiration, this is arguably the most genuine source of blues guitar ever captured in digital form. All you need now is a riff. Get your guitar out!
