Blues Guitar Grunge Vol.1 WAV

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美国音乐的历史始于蓝调,密西西比三角洲是发源地。 Howling Wolf、Muddy Waters 和 Ch […]



美国音乐的历史始于蓝调,密西西比三角洲是发源地。 Howling Wolf、Muddy Waters 和 Charley Patten 只是从美国南部种植园制作这一流派的少数先驱。在这个后置声音包中,S.C.R.D.让您一睹吉他对艺术形式的重要性。 “Blues Guitar Grunge”从系列一开始,分为三部分。享受!
The history of American music starts with Blues, and the Mississippi Delta was the birthplace. Howling Wolf, Muddy Waters, and Charley Patten were just a few of the pioneers who crafted the genre from the southern plantations of America. In this rear sound pack, S.C.R.D. gives you a glimpse of how important the guitar was to the art-form. “Blues Guitar Grunge” start you off with series one, of a three part installment. Enjoy!
