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为在电视和电影、城市或舞蹈领域工作的制作人收集了新的 Rootsy Blues 样本,以寻找 100% 免版税 […]



为在电视和电影、城市或舞蹈领域工作的制作人收集了新的 Rootsy Blues 样本,以寻找 100% 免版税循环的布鲁斯最独特的声音之一,布鲁斯竖琴。 Blues Harp 以 3、4 和 8 小节的循环录制了超过 380Mb 的嘴部器官舔音。这个包是用六个布鲁斯竖琴、一个 Fender Tweed、一个 Bass Man 和一个可以让主音吉他手感到潮湿的踏板架录制的,所有这些都通过一些 Fine A 级前置放大器进入 Protools HD 并经过精心编辑,让您访问丰富多彩的正宗蓝调竖琴合集 期待听到哭泣的蓝调旋律、干净的剪辑、突兀的即兴演奏和节奏,以及富有个性和风格的脆脆的原始放大循环。许多循环具有清音版本和失真(放大)版本,记录在 L R 立体声场中,允许您单声道和复制轨道并混合您想要的效果信号量。
New collection of Rootsy Blues samples for producers working in TV and Film, Urban or Dance looking for 100% Royalty Free loops of one of the Blues most distinct sounds, The Blues Harp. Blues Harp Features over 380Mb of Mouth Organ licks recorded in in loops of 3, 4, and 8 bars. The pack was recorded using half a dozen blues Harps, a Fender Tweed, a Bass Man, and a pedal rack that would make a lead guitar player damp, all running through some Fine class A pre-amps into Protools HD where it was meticulously edited, giving you access to a colourful collection of authentic Blues Harp Expect to hear crying Blues melodies, clean cuts, chugged riffs and rhythms and crunchy raw amped loops that are rich with character and style. Many of the loops feature a clean version and a distorted (amped) version, recorded across the L R stereo field allowing you to mono and duplicate the tracks and mix in the amount of effect signal you desire.
