Blues Rock ELASTiK

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受 Delta Blues 声音先驱的启发,现代布鲁斯艺术家经常将原始元素与摇滚元素融合在一起。结果是对布鲁斯 […]



受 Delta Blues 声音先驱的启发,现代布鲁斯艺术家经常将原始元素与摇滚元素融合在一起。结果是对布鲁斯的现代演绎,但具有非常复古的声音,布鲁斯摇滚以其所有的荣耀捕捉到了这种氛围。这个 Elastik 库是围绕 5 个扩展的构建工具包构建的,具有大量的态度、一个装满正宗蓝调 riff 的桶和一个天生的节奏部分,它是您下一个蓝调灵感项目的完美平台。
Inspired by the pioneers of the Delta Blues sound, modern Blues artists often blend elements of the original with elements of Rock. The result is a modern take on the Blues but with a very retro sound and Blues Rock captures that vibe in all its glory. This Elastik library is built around 5 extended construction kits and, with a ton of attitude, a bucket full of authentic Blues riffs, and a rhythm section born to groove, it’s a perfect platform for you next Blues inspired project.
