King Of Blues Guitar WAV

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蓝调吉他之王!这个由深沉而富有情感的吉他部分组成的密集护理包充满了鼓舞人心的味道,保证激发想法并激发创造性的突 […]



蓝调吉他之王!这个由深沉而富有情感的吉他部分组成的密集护理包充满了鼓舞人心的味道,保证激发想法并激发创造性的突触。由主要会议音乐家 Chris Barnes 表演和录制,其中的所有内容都是 100% 免版税,可以在您的音乐中使用。 King of Blues Guitar 充满了原声和电子形式的炽热的即兴演奏、和弦和旋律。电吉他循环有干式和湿式两种版本,因此您可以使用开箱即用的效果声音或从头开始处理。布鲁斯吉他的真正精神在这个独特的系列中得到体现;但是,这不会阻止您在摇滚、蓝草、爵士和任何其他基于吉他的流派中使用它的内容!包含的循环以 72-108bpm 之间的速度推出,确保您已为各种风格做好准备。
King of Blues Guitar! This dense care package of deep and emotive guitar sections is packed with inspirational flavour, guaranteed to kickstart ideas and get creative synapses firing. Performed and recorded by mainstay session musician Chris Barnes, everything within is 100% royalty free and ready for use in your music. King of Blues Guitar is filled with red hot riffs, chords and melodies in both acoustic and electric forms. The electric guitar loops come in dry and wet versions, so you can use effected sounds out of the box or process from the ground up. The true spirit of blues guitar has been captured in this unique collection; however, this won’t stop you from using its contents in rock, bluegrass, jazz and any other guitar-based genres! The included loops within roll out at tempos between 72-108bpm, ensuring you’re set for a wide range of styles.
