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Roots SDX v02 v1.5.0 Brushes, Rods And Mallets EXPANSiON

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我们可以提到,我们开始录制有史以来最好的爵士鼓库,但最终得到了更大的东西;鼓超越了一种流派的狭窄范围,而是定义 […]



我们可以提到,我们开始录制有史以来最好的爵士鼓库,但最终得到了更大的东西;鼓超越了一种流派的狭窄范围,而是定义了一个时代——一个从爵士乐、布鲁斯到嘻哈和摇滚的音乐时代。我们可以提到 Blackbird Studio 的 1400 个麦克风库存、35 个 Pultec EQ 通道、24 个 Fairchild 压缩通道和数百个外置麦克风/前置通道,包括 Telefunken、Neve、API、RCA 和 Chandler。或者这个工作室不仅是音乐界名人的自然选择,而且众所周知,它为每个项目提供了一些记录在案的魔力,以便进出它的大门。我们甚至可以咆哮鼓手和世界音乐家 Roy “Futureman” Wooten 如何将每一个打击和漩涡作为一个更大的整体的一部分记录下来,作为一个音乐序列的一部分,而不是作为一个单独、单调的打击,并且结果以前所未有的强度和力量渗透到每个样品中。或者我们可以提及这些声音如何体现过去,体现现在,同时它们将如何通过 Superior Drummer 的无限可能性帮助您塑造明天的声音。
We could mention that we set out to record the best Jazz drum library ever made but ended up with something far bigger; drums that transcend the narrow confines of a genre and rather define an era – an age of music spanning from Jazz, Blues to Hip Hop and Rock. We could mention Blackbird Studio’s stock of 1400 Microphones, 35 channels of Pultec EQ, 24 channels of Fairchild compression and hundreds of outboard mic/pre channels including Telefunken, Neve, API, RCA and Chandler. Or how this studio not only is the natural choice for the who’s who of the music industry but that it is known to lend a documented bit of magic to every project to ever enter and exit its doors. We could even go as far as rant about how drummer and world musician Roy “Futureman” Wooten heard every single hit and swirl recorded as part of a larger whole, as part of a musical sequence rather than as a solitary, monotonous hit and that the result permeates every sample with an intensity and force unheard of. Or we could mention how these sounds incarnate the past, embody the present and at the same time how they will help you shape the sound of tomorrow through Superior Drummer’s endless possibilities.
