Soul Vocals For House WAV

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Mike Russell 惊人的声音,充满了真正的灵魂和蓝调的历史和情感。他的旋律和变形等着你作为灵感的宝库, […]



Mike Russell 惊人的声音,充满了真正的灵魂和蓝调的历史和情感。他的旋律和变形等着你作为灵感的宝库,在这个美味的即用型 4 和 8 小节钩子、口语和歌唱短语中。在 120-125 BPM 之间录制,这些钩子和乐句非常适合 House 音乐。记录在多个键以及干版本中,包括受影响的样本,可以添加,因为它们准备好在您的下一次打击中使用。 Mike Russell 是一位来自华盛顿特区的受人尊敬的灵魂乐和蓝调歌手和吉他手,自 1970 年代以来,他发行了许多专辑,包括由格莱美提名的格洛丽亚·泰勒录制的“Black Woman”以及以他自己的名字进行的多年世界巡回演出。他现在与歌手 MFA KERA 一起经营位于柏林的黑人遗产管弦乐团,其曲目曾登上欧洲世界音乐排行榜前 10 名。
Mike Russell’s amazing voice, filled with genuine Soul and Blues history and emotion. His melodies and inflections await for you as a treasure trove of inspiration in this delicious pack of ready to use four and eight bar hooks, spoken and sung phrases. Recorded between 120-125 BPM, these hooks and phrases are perfect for House music. Recorded in multiple keys as well as the dry versions, effected samples are included which can be added as they are ready to use in your next hit. Mike Russell is a well-respected Soul and Blues singer and guitarist from Washington D.C. with many releases under his belt since the 1970’s, including ‘Black Woman’ recorded by Grammy-nominated Gloria Taylor and years of world tours under his own name. He now runs the Black Heritage Orchestra based in Berlin with singer MFA KERA whose tracks have featured in the Top 10 European World Music charts.
