Studio Acoustics Guitars Vol.2 WAV REX

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Studio Acoustics Vol2 – 欢快的原声吉他音色合集,保证为任何作品增添色彩、温暖和旋律。在 […]



Studio Acoustics Vol2 – 欢快的原声吉他音色合集,保证为任何作品增添色彩、温暖和旋律。在这个伟大的收藏中,您将找到创建令人眼花缭乱、生动活泼的吉他曲目所需的一切,具有只有 Acoustic 才能带来的和声即兴演奏、幸福的琶音和闪烁的节奏。 Studio Acoustics 已与专业音乐家在配备顶级设备的工作室中录制,为您提供优美、坚实的声音,既可以陪伴您的原创音乐,也可以美化您的原创音乐。每个 Loop 都经过设计和播放,可作为歌曲各个部分的元素 – 具有适合合唱部分的充满活力的即兴重复段,以及专为 Verses 和 Bridges 设计的柔和串起的静音元素。 Studio Acoustics 非常适合有抱负的歌手词曲作者,它以特定的音调和节奏组织了录音,让您可以快速轻松地访问充满音乐可能性的世界。所提供的音乐水平不言而喻——您会发现许多流派的鼓舞人心的即兴演奏,例如民谣、蓝调、摇滚、流行和独立等等。
Studio Acoustics Vol2 – an upbeat collection of Acoustic Guitar sounds, guaranteed to add colour, warmth and melody to any production. Inside this great collection you will find everything you need to create dazzling, lively Guitar tracks, featuring the harmonic riffs, blissful arpeggios and shimmering rhythms only the Acoustic can bring. Studio Acoustics has been recorded with professional musicians in studios featuring top of the range equipment, giving you a polished, solid sound which will both accompany and embellish your original music. Each Loop has been designed and played to work as elements in various parts of your song – with energetic riffs suited to a Chorus parts and softly strung, muted elements designed for Verses and Bridges. Perfect for aspiring singer songwriters, Studio Acoustics has organised recordings in specific musical keys and tempos, providing you with quick and easy access to a world of musical possibilities. The level of musicianship on offer speaks for itself – you will find inspirational riffs to many genres such as Folk, Blues, Rock, Pop and Indie to name a few.
