Future Chill WAV-DiSCOVER

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探索未来寒意的风景 一个前瞻性的思维包,它掩盖了任何类型的障碍,并在工作室中大开创意。这个包由顶级制作人和混音 […]



探索未来寒意的风景 一个前瞻性的思维包,它掩盖了任何类型的障碍,并在工作室中大开创意。这个包由顶级制作人和混音师 Venemy 创建,为您提供将深刻情感直接注入您的作品所需的工具。在移动的、情绪化的音景和弦乐中飘荡,并被迷幻的节拍和毛刺、充满??拟音的鼓和打击乐循环、民族垫和膨胀、深度纹理的音景和和弦、环境声音、激动人心的旋律循环和模拟合成器声音所迷惑。
Explore the landscape of future chill A forward thinking pack that obscures any genre barriers and blows creativity in the studio wide open. This pack, created by top producer and remixer Venemy, gives you the tools you need to infuse deep emotions straight into your productions. Drift away on moving, emotive soundscapes and strings and be bewildered by trippy beats and glitched, foley laden drum- and percussion loops, ethnic pads and swells, deep textured soundscapes and chords, ambient vox, stirring melody loops and analog synth sounds.
