Los Angeles Nights SPiRE MiDi WAV-Quakeaudio

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想象一下,你在圣贝纳迪诺高速公路上行驶,头朝下,风吹拂着你的头发,前方洛杉矶的独特景观和周围环绕着你的 80 […]



想象一下,你在圣贝纳迪诺高速公路上行驶,头朝下,风吹拂着你的头发,前方洛杉矶的独特景观和周围环绕着你的 80 年代合成波的寒冷声音。伟大的音乐不仅有它自己的声音——它还能将想象力带入生活。现在,著名的声音设计师 John Kunkel 让您可以在自己的作品中捕捉到这种精神,使用一整套 80 年代灵感的 Spire 预设,将洛杉矶声音的温暖和西海岸情绪注入您的合成波、渐进式和恍惚音轨。当然,我们已确保对整个包进行分类和排序,因此可以简单直观地找到您需要的内容,并且所有预设都经过音量标准化、植根和适当的调制轮映射。只需下载、安装并开始制作音乐。
Picture yourself driving down the San Bernadino freeway with the top down and the wind in your hair, the distinctive sights of Los Angeles ahead and the chill sounds of 80s synthwave surrounding you. Great music doesn’t just have its own sound – it brings the imagination to life. Now, renowned sound designer John Kunkel has allowed you to capture that spirit in your own production with a complete set of 80s inspired Spire presets, injecting the warmth and west coast mood of LA’s sound into your synthwave, progressive, and trance tracks. Of course, we’ve ensured that the entire package is categorized and sorted so it’s simple and intuitive to find what you need, and all presets are volume normalized, rooted and mod wheel mapped where appropriate. Just download, install, and start making music.
