<b><i>Spaces 提供环境、实验、有机、电影、寒冷、情感、移动循环和音乐创意</i>。</b> <b>Spaces 包含什么?</b> Spaces 包括 344 个专业精心制作的循环和富有表现力的声音设计。寻找无数的声音维度,保证点燃您的创意输出。 Spaces 的平均循环长度为 16 小节。此外,还包括 16 部史诗般的奥德赛,长度均超过 100 小节。 <b>制作出色的音乐……</b> <i>Spaces</i> 通过 LP24 对细节的关注和独特的设备组合以及声音创作能力,将传统样本包提升到前所未有的水平。我们不遗余力地使用模拟和数字巨星,例如 Alesis Andromeda(Spacey,对吗?)Moog Voyager XL、Korg MS20、Dave Smith OB-6、Roland Juno 106、Roland JP8000、Novation Supernova、Eventide Space、Eventide TimeFactor、Strymon BlueSky、各种 Moogerfooger 踏板、原声吉他、铃铛、人声录音、定制 CDP 批处理处理器等……
Spaces provides ambient, experimental, organic, cinematic, chill, emotive, moving loops and musical ideas. What’s included in Spaces? Spaces includes 344 professionally crafted loops and expressive sound designs. Find eons of sonic dimensions, all guaranteed to ignite your creative output. The average loop length of Spaces is 16 bars. Additionally, 16 epic odysseys are included, all of which are over 100 bars in length. Make Great Music… Spaces takes the traditional sample pack to unprecedented levels through LP24’s attention to detail and unique blend of gear, and sound-creation proficiency. We left no stone unturned, using both analog and digital greats such as the Alesis Andromeda (Spacey, right?) Moog Voyager XL, Korg MS20, Dave Smith OB-6, Roland Juno 106, Roland JP8000, Novation Supernova, Eventide Space, Eventide TimeFactor, Strymon BlueSky, various Moogerfooger pedals, acoustic guitars, bells, vocal recordings, custom CDP Batch processors, etc etc…