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Sub Chill 是唯一完全屈服于 Trap 和 Hip Hop 的深低音低音的声音套件。加上 Chill […]



Sub Chill 是唯一完全屈服于 Trap 和 Hip Hop 的深低音低音的声音套件。加上 Chill Out 的转折,你会得到一些完全独特的东西。流行的采样播放设备,如 Kontakt 和 Battery,成为这三种重低音乐器和完美的“首选”架子鼓的游乐场。您将拥有 Hip Hop、Glitch Hop 和冷静下来。总共 35 个一??次性样本被映射出来并准备好播放,并且还整齐地组织在自己的文件夹中。该系列以 14 个迷你构造套件的形式完成,其中包含独立的鼓部分、低音提琴、底鼓贝司、旋律、打击垫、和弦刺、FX 和琶音器。 Tempos 在总共 188 个循环中运行缓慢而低沉,范围从 67-80 BPM,为您提供完美的半场下降或悠闲的 Chill Out 低音凹槽。诸如速度和根音之类的元数据嵌入在每个文件以及文件名中,以便轻松集成到您的 DAW 中。 24 位 44.1kHz 立体声文件。从 Ableton Live Pack、ACIDized Wav 和 Apple 循环 AIFF 中进行选择。
Sub Chill is the only sound kit to surrender completely to the deep sub basses of Trap and Hip Hop. Add in a twist of Chill Out and you’ve got something entirely unique. Popular sample playback devices, like Kontakt and Battery, become playgrounds for these three hefty sub kick bass instruments and the perfect “go-to” drum kit.You’ll have all the punchy and deep sounds needed for Hip Hop, Glitch Hop, and Chill Out. A total of 35 one-shot samples are mapped out and ready for play back and also neatly organized in their own folder. The collection rounds out with instant inspiration in the form of 14 mini construction kits with isolated drum parts, sub basses, kick basses, melodies, pads, chord stabs, FX, and arpeggiators. Tempos run slow and low across the total 188 l oops, ranging from 67-80 BPM to give you the perfect half time drop or laid back Chill Out bass grooves. Metadata such as tempo and root note are embedded in each file as well as in the file name, for easy integration into your DAW. 24 bit 44.1kHz Stereo files. Choose from Ableton Live Pack, ACIDized Wav, and Apple-looped AIFF..
