Tabla Sessions WAV REX

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Tabla Sessions – 权威的 Tabla 打击乐系列,展示了我们内部打击乐大师的才华横溢。大量温暖 […]



Tabla Sessions – 权威的 Tabla 打击乐系列,展示了我们内部打击乐大师的才华横溢。大量温暖、真实的打击乐等待着您,充满活力,非常适合丰富您的音乐作品。您将听到 Tablas、Finger Cymbals、Salangai、Dholak、Tambourine 和 Cabas 的声音——以及将它们组合在一起的预混合合奏循环。拥有丰富的各种音乐键和节奏的构建工具包,您将拥有一个充满节奏可能性的世界。每个单独的构建套件都经过同步和键标记,可在您现有的曲目中立即播放,或作为新事物的灵感。
Tabla Sessions – the definitive Tabla percussion collection, featuring the overflowing talents of our in house percussion guru. A host of warm, authentic percussion awaits you, bursting with life and perfect for enriching your music productions. You’ll hear the sounds of Tablas, Finger Cymbals, Salangai, Dholak, Tambourine and Cabas – as well as pre mixed ensemble loops to bring it all together. With an abundance of construction kits in a variety of musical keys and tempos, you have a world of rhythmic possibilities. Each individual construction kit is tempo-synced and key-labelled for immediate playability within your existing tracks, or as inspiration for something new.
