Westcoast Chill WAV

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Westcoast CHILL 将 Westcoast 和 G-Funk 直接带入您的工作室,并带有可用于制作 […]



Westcoast CHILL 将 Westcoast 和 G-Funk 直接带入您的工作室,并带有可用于制作的强大循环集合。从 81 BPM 到 120 BPM,这个西海岸系列包括独立的贝司、键、主音、合成器和完整的作曲循环。混合和匹配循环以查看它们如何一起发声,或将样本剪切以制作您自己独特的节拍,选择权在您手中。 Westcoast Chill 专为嘻哈音乐制作人量身定制,但也可用于其他类型的节拍——用户可以期待一个包含 33 个样本的完整样本包。所有内容均免版税。
Westcoast CHILL is brings that Westcoast and G-Funk knock straight to your studio with production-ready and powerful collection of loops. From 81 BPM to 120 BPM, this westcoast collection includes isolated bass, keys, lead, synth, and full composition loops. Mix and match the loops to see how they sound together or cut the samples up to make your own unique beat, the choice is yours. Westcoast Chill are tailored for hip-hop music producers, but can also be used in other types of beats – Users can expect a fully loaded sample pack of 33 samples. All content is royalty free.
