Cinematic Ambience WAV-FANTASTiC

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此示例包包含您深入了解环境、寒意、电影或视频游戏项目所需的所有基本和尖端工具,其中包含鼓舞人心的黑暗科幻、外星 […]



此示例包包含您深入了解环境、寒意、电影或视频游戏项目所需的所有基本和尖端工具,其中包含鼓舞人心的黑暗科幻、外星无人机、Lush Evolving Atmoshperes、环境合成器和实验性抽象节拍! Cinematic Ambience 包括 100 种环境、Atmos 和 Drones 的多样化和独特的声音调色板,采用无缝循环格式和 Key Labeled,可快速混合和匹配循环以创建您自己的作品。探索 20 个创意和故障处理的抽象节拍循环,这些循环带有单独的茎循环,由 Kick、Snare、Hats 和 Glitch Loops 组织,以塑造您自己的节拍。这个包可以为电影或音乐中的那些情感时刻提供项目所需的正确氛围或情绪,从令人难以忘怀的场景到悬疑的高潮或温暖的令人振奋的气氛。
This sample pack includes all the essential and cutting-edge tools you need to dive into Ambient, Chill, Film or Video Game projects with an inspiring collection of Dark Sci-Fi, Alien Drones, Lush Evolving Atmoshperes, Ambient Synths, and Experimental Abstract Beats! Cinematic Ambience includes a diverse and distinct sound palette of 100 Ambiences, Atmos & Drones in seamless loop format and Key Labelled to quickly mix and match loops to create your own composition. Discover the 20 creative and glitch fx processed Abstract Beat Loops with separate stem loops organized with Kick, Snare, Hats and Glitch Loops to shape your own beats. This pack can deliver the right ambience or mood needed in your project for those emotional moments in film or music from Haunting scenes to a Suspenseful climax or Warm Uplifting Atmospheres.
