Cinematic Sequences for MASSiVE X-DECiBEL

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包含 25 个补丁用于&nbsp; <span style="text-decorat […]



包含 25 个补丁用于&nbsp; <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel= "noopener noreferrer">Massive X</a></strong></em></span>,电影序列旨在提供强大而强烈的电子序列,只需按下一个键。在 <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="" 目标中使用多样化的路由矩阵="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Massive X</a></strong></em></span>,这些序列的创建与示例一样易于实现,但具有更大的附加优势控制。所有补丁都带有调制轮和 8 个宏路由,以允许一系列选项来轻松操纵序列。
Containing 25 patches for  Massive X, Cinematic Sequences is designed to provide powerful and intense electronic sequences at the press of a key. Using the diverse routing matrix within Massive X, these sequences are created to be as easy to implement as samples, but with the added benefit of greater control. All patches come with the mod wheel and 8 macros routed to allow a range of options for easily manipulating the sequences.
