适用于大屏幕及其他地方的广阔、史诗和情感合成器以及密集、强大的鼓声。 Cinetronica 将深邃的《银翼杀手》时代的电子乐与丰富的质感声音设计结合在一个 2GB+ 的大型循环、MIDI 和一次镜头包中。郁郁葱葱的复古琶音、深沉的复音垫、翱翔的空灵合成器、粗犷的打击乐节奏等等都在一个必不可少的包中。
Expansive, epic and emotive synthesisers and dense, powerful drum beats for the big screen and beyond. Cinetronica combines deep, Blade Runner-era electronica with rich textural sound design in a massive 2GB+ package of loops, MIDI and one shots. Lush vintage arpeggios, deep polyphonic pads, soaring ethereal synths, chugging percussive rhythms and more in one essential package.