Epica Vol.2 Cinematic Vocals And Beds WAV ALS-DECiBEL

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期待已久的样品包现在可以成为您的了!我们很自豪地展示我们最畅销的包“Epica: Cinematic Voca […]



期待已久的样品包现在可以成为您的了!我们很自豪地展示我们最畅销的包“Epica: Cinematic Vocals & Beds”的第二部分,其中包含 2.62GB 的独特和催眠材料,一切都准备好为您的下一个项目增添趣味! “Epica 2”为您的作品带来了一种新的魔力,并带有各种鼓舞人心的电影人声和音乐元素,可立即为您的作品增添情感。从迷人的和声到空灵的钢琴旋律,从令人印象深刻的圣歌到深沉的呼吸,从迷人的声带到令人愉快的变化的垫子,从忧郁的氛围到空灵的合成器序列,从梦幻般的 Vox FX 到黑暗和切分音的床,从令人难以忘怀的耳语到情绪化的人声钩子,从电影构建到有毒嗡嗡声,史诗般的管弦乐乐句到巨大的电影鼓,扭曲的纹理到浮动的人声乐句——一切都在这里!所有声音都被组织到文件夹中以便于访问,并且可以在您的作品中使用!
Long awaited sample pack can now be yours! We are proud to present the second installment of our top selling pack “Epica: Cinematic Vocals & Beds” packed with 2.62GB unique and hypnotic materials all is ready to spice up your next project! “Epica 2” brings a new kind of magic to your production and comes with a diverse range of inspiring cinematic vocals and musical elements that immediately add emotion to your compositions. From bewitching vocal harmonies to ethereal piano melodies, impressive chants to deepest breaths, fascinating vocal chords to blissfully evolving pads, melancholic atmospheres to ethereal synth sequences, dreamy vox FXs to dark and syncopated beds, haunting whispers to emotional vocal hooks, cinematic builds to poisonous hummings, epic orchestral phrases to huge cinematic drums, twisted textures to floating vocal phrases – everything is right in here! All sounds are organised into folders for easy access and can be used in your productions!
