Fear in a Handful of Dust WAV

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Tobin 的技术在 20 年的职业生涯中一直是备受争议的主题,但该包没有发布一系列通用样本,而是基于最新且技 […]



Tobin 的技术在 20 年的职业生涯中一直是备受争议的主题,但该包没有发布一系列通用样本,而是基于最新且技术上令人困惑的专辑 Fear In A Handful Of Dust 的 DNA 构建而成。在 2019 年发行专辑时,Electronic Sound Magazine 表示:“没有人能像 Amon Tobin 那样进化出声音。在《Fear In A Handful of Dust》中,您几乎可以想象他检查和打磨他使用的每一种声音,就像珠宝商通过目镜检查他的宝石,然后将它们放回混音中的正确位置,以创造一种迷人的抽象声音体验美丽。”
Tobin’s techniques have been the subject of much debate over a career spanning 20 years but rather than releasing a series of generic samples, this pack is built from the DNA of one of the most recent and technically perplexing albums Fear In A Handful Of Dust. On release of the album in 2019, Electronic Sound Magazine said, “No one evolves sound quite like Amon Tobin. On Fear In A Handful of Dust you can almost imagine him examining and polishing each sound he uses, like a jeweler inspecting his gems through an eyepiece, before placing them back into the mix in just the right place to create a sonic experience of captivating abstracted beauty.”
