“Lithium: Melodic Chillstep & Foley”提供了丰富的高保真声音和声音元素,通过这个令人难以置信的系列突破了有机和合成声音的界限。在里面,您会发现大量旨在在您的作品中营造情感感觉的优质材料。此包适用于 Chillstep、电子乐和电影制作。
‘Lithium: Melodic Chillstep & Foley’ delivers a wealth of high fidelity sounds & sonic elements, pushing the boundaries of organic and synthetic sound with this incredible collection. Inside you will find a vast amount of high-quality material designed to create an emotional feel within your productions. This pack is suitable for Chillstep, Electronica & Cinematic productions.