Lo-Fi Cinematic FX WAV

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“Lo-Fi Cinematic FX”是音乐和电影的另一个邪恶效果集合。这个密集的科幻效果集合是从头开始创建 […]



“Lo-Fi Cinematic FX”是音乐和电影的另一个邪恶效果集合。这个密集的科幻效果集合是从头开始创建的,一直到这个包中包含的 150 个声音样本。他们不会无缘无故地称他们为工业实力。这个令人难以置信的心灵弯曲样本集合采用 Lo-Fi 纹理、机器噪音和合成氛围制成,非常适合电影背景并与拟音结合。这个硬如钉钉的 24 位质量包可以按原样使用,或者您可以使用额外的工作室 FX 将样本分层或进一步破坏音频。您在演示中听到的所有内容都包含在包中。这个 Lo-Fi Cinematic FX 系列提供 100% 免版税的音频体验。只需将这些鼓舞人心的 FX 放入任何 DAW 中,然后将它们与您的音乐视频或对话同步,绝对不会大惊小怪。您可以将任何声音用于科幻、恐怖、奇幻、英雄、动作等游戏和电影类型。
‘Lo-Fi Cinematic FX’ is another evil effects collection for music and films. This intensive Sci-Fi effects collection was created from the ground up, right down to the 150 vocal samples included in this beast of a pack. They don’t call them Industrial Strength for nothing. This incredible mind bending sample collection is made with Lo-Fi textures, machine noises and synthetic ambience, great for backgrounds in film and to combine with foley. This hard as nails 24-Bit Quality pack is ready to use as is, or you can layer up the samples or mangle the audio up even more with additional studio FX. Everything you hear in the demo is included in the pack. This Lo-Fi Cinematic FX collection delivers a 100% Royalty-Free audio experience. Simply drop these inspiring FX in any DAW and sync them up with your music video or dialogue with absolutely no fuss. You can utilise any of the sounds for games and film genres such as Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy, Hero, Action and much more.
