Montra Lo-Fi & High WAV-FANTASTiC

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蒙特拉——洛菲和高。 Montra – LoFi & High 展示了一种寒冷的空气,伴随着深沉的模拟 […]



蒙特拉——洛菲和高。 Montra – LoFi & High 展示了一种寒冷的空气,伴随着深沉的模拟低音打击和柔和的旋律合成垫和音效。每个循环都充满了禅意,触动了大脑中的愉悦感受器。这些声音完美地弯曲和弯曲,适合电影乐谱、梦想序列、学习音乐、嘻哈、寒潮、寒潮和慢节奏。 Montra 在他的书房里遇到了许多日出,脉轮对齐并点燃了香火,专门为使用最好的模拟和 FM 合成设备制作这些灵魂声音提供了空间。没有使用 VST。所有独特的声音都是手工制作且不含麸质。
Montra – Lofi & High. Montra – LoFi & High demonstrates an air of chill accompanied by deep analog Bass hits and mellow melody synth pads and sound effects. Each loop is infused with zen moments and touches on pleasure receptors in the mind’s eye. These sounds bend and flex perfectly for Cinematic scores, dream sequences, music to study to, Hip Hop, Chill Hop, Chillwave, and Downtempo. Montra met many a sunrise in his den, chakras aligned and incense lit, holding space specifically to craft these soulistic sounds using the best analog and FM Synthesis gear. No VSTs used. All unique sounds are handcrafted and gluten-free.
