Mythica Cinematic SFX WAV

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中世纪在召唤!拿起你的斧头,潜入旧时代的战斗,驱散敌人的攻击,保护你的幸福爱人!充满高品质电影音效的“Myth […]



中世纪在召唤!拿起你的斧头,潜入旧时代的战斗,驱散敌人的攻击,保护你的幸福爱人!充满高品质电影音效的“Mythica”让您中世纪幻想世界中的一切都栩栩如生。英雄主义、神秘、冒险和战斗是这个巨大图书馆的主轴。这个库提供了 1092 种电影音效的坚实基础,让您的项目具有真实的中世纪感觉。一切都在这里帮助您为今天的项目添加您需要的史诗和敏感的声音……从鼓舞人心和迷人的预告片开始到古老的战斗声音到令人印象深刻的战争圣歌和最深的呼吸,从激烈的气氛到幻想的风景,从敲击鼓声到史诗般的电影打击乐循环,合成和序列脉冲到战斗罢工,战斗后的氛围到令人心跳的旋律,对中世纪的哀叹大喊大叫,巨大的电影点击到深沉的轰鸣声,有机的嗖嗖声到血腥的低音,悬疑的上升和刺痛到奇妙的中世纪生物和更多。
The Middle Ages are calling! Grab your axe, dive into the old-times fight and scatter the enemy attack to protect your blessed lover! “Mythica” full of high-quality cinematic sound effects everything in your medieval fantasy world is brought to life. Heroism, Mysteries, Adventures and Battles are the main axis of this gigantic library. This library provides a solid foundation of 1092 cinematic sound effects to give your project an authentic medieval feeling. All is here to help you to add epic and touchy sounds you need for today’s projects… From inspiring and enchanting trailer cue starters to ancient fights sounds to impressive war chants and deepest breaths, intense atmospheres to fantasy landscapes, pounding drum hits to epic cinematic percussion loops, synthetic and sequenced pulses to battle strikes, after battle ambiences to heart-thumping melodics, yelling and shouts to medieval laments, giant cinematic hits to deep booms, organic whooshes to blood-pumping basses, suspenseful rises and stingers to fantastic medieval creatures and much much more.
