Sci-Fi Cinematic WAV

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发现 549 个声音设计元素。科幻武器 / 机械步骤 / 命中 / 哔哔声 / 脚步 / Braaam FX […]



发现 549 个声音设计元素。科幻武器 / 机械步骤 / 命中 / 哔哔声 / 脚步 / Braaam FX / Bass Shot FX / Glitch FX / Sword FX / Turbine FX /Textures FX / Mechanics Slices / Slime and Squishes / Crackles / Monsters / Drones / Foley。音乐制作元素 – 100 – 重型军鼓 One Shot,15 – 恐怖吉他,50 – 贝斯 Shot FX,20 – Kick,21 – 旋律氛围循环,40 – 脉冲循环,10 – 旋律循环,21 – 脆皮循环。 …包含 800 多个对电影和音乐制作至关重要的高质量样本。除了您可以将它们用作游戏声音套件外,这些样本还可以通过 FMOD、Wwise 等轻松处理。 Sci-Fi Cinematic 是广告和其他类型视频中声音设计的重要基础。当然,它可能会成为您歌曲和音乐制作的不可思议的创意强化物,让您可以为声音添加更多??颜色和纹理。对于您可能面临的任何音乐或声音设计挑战,这个样本包是一个很好的即用型解决方案。只需选择您需要的声音并立即将其添加到您的项目中!享受!…
Discover 549 elements for sound design. Sci-Fi Weapons / Mechanical Steps / Hits / Bleep FX / Footstep / Braaam FX / Bass Shot FX / Glitch FX / Sword FX / Turbine FX /Textures FX / Mechanics Slices / Slime And Squishes / Crackles / Monsters / Drones / Foley. Music production elements – 100 – Heavy Snare One Shots, 15 – Horror Guitars, 50 – Bass Shot FX, 20 – Kick, 21 – Melodic Atmosphere Loops, 40 – Pulse Loops, 10 – Melody Loops, 21 – Crispy Lead Loops. …A huge high-quality collection of more than 800 samples crucial for movie and music production. Besides you can use them as a game sound kit, the samples can easily be processed by such as FMOD, Wwise, and others. Sci-Fi Cinematic is a great base for sound design in commercials and other types of videos. And of course, it may become an incredible creative reinforcement for your songs and musical production allowing you to add more colors and textures to the sound. This sample pack is a great ready-to-go solution for any musical or sound design challenge you may be facing. Just pick up the sound you need and add it to your project right away! Enjoy!…
