.歌手梅吉·安杰洛娃的声音。 Megi Angelova 出生于保加利亚,是英国伦敦的歌手/词曲作者。来自音乐家和艺术家的背景,她一直对艺术和音乐着迷,这激励她超越框架,尝试不同风格的音乐、人声、歌词、乐器和音效。
.The voice of the singer Megi Angelova. Born in Bulgaria, Megi Angelova is a singer/songwriter based in London, UK. Coming from a background of musicians and artists she always has been fascinated by art and music which inspires her to look beyond the frames and to experiment with different styles of music, vocals, lyrics, musical instruments and sound effects.