ZenPad LeSlow for ABLETON LiVE AiFF

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ZenPad – Le Slow 是一场全新的氛围、环境曲调和悠闲节奏的大气革命。这个多功能的环境和松散声音集 […]



ZenPad – Le Slow 是一场全新的氛围、环境曲调和悠闲节奏的大气革命。这个多功能的环境和松散声音集合已被编译成高质量的 Ableton Live Clips,使作曲家和制作人能够创作用于电影镜头和不同作品的大气音乐。这个包包括 400 多个梦幻般的声音片段,使用一系列乐器,包括电贝司和吉他、管弦乐、钢琴、各种合成器、竖琴、长笛、男声和女声、各种声学和电子打击乐器等等
ZenPad – Le Slow is an atmospheric revolution of new vibes, ambient tunes, and laid-back rhythms. This versatile collection of ambient and loose sounds has been compiled into high quality Ableton Live Clips to enable composers & producer to create atmospheric music for use in film footage and different productions. This pack includes over 400 clips of dreamy sounds draw on an array of instrumentation including electric bass and guitar, orchestral strings, piano, various synths, harp, flute, male and female vocals, an assortment of acoustic and electronic percussion, and more
