ZenPad Waterworx for ABLETON LiVE AiFF

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Zenpad Waterworx – Ableton Live 的革命性全新大型构造套件,将水的空灵方面带入生 […]



Zenpad Waterworx – Ableton Live 的革命性全新大型构造套件,将水的空灵方面带入生活;该套件包括 400 多种声音和样本,提供各种真正创新的音色、大气纹理和音景,灵感来自为专业用于音乐制作、声音设计和电影配乐创作而量身定制的丰富的水声。 Waterworx 再现了河流、海洋、瀑布和湖泊的声音和氛围。它利用了一系列乐器,包括:各种模拟合成器、吉他、鼓、木槌乐器、人声、钢琴、原声和电子打击乐器等等。
Zenpad Waterworx – a revolutionary new grand construction kit for Ableton Live bringing the ethereal aspects of water to life; This kit includes more than 400 sounds and samples offering a variety of truly innovative timbres, atmospheric textures, and soundscapes inspired by the rich sound of water tailor made for professional use in music production, sound design and film score compositions. Waterworx recreates the sounds and atmosphere of rivers, oceans, waterfalls, and lakes. It draws on an array of instrumentation including: various analog synths, guitars, drums, mallet instruments, vocals, piano, acoustic and electric percussion and more.
