“Commercial Hip Hop Vol 3”延续了这一系列尖端的现代嘻哈编曲,包含五个灵感来自 Drake、Kendrick Lamar 和 Kanye West 的建筑套件。拥有一系列现代 Urban 钢琴、合成器、打击乐和鼓样本,您一定会在这个多功能包中找到灵感。包括一次性、干循环和 FX 尾音以增加灵活性。这五个套件中的每一个都涵盖了广泛的乐器,从深低音到人声和片段以及广泛的环境、旋律和和弦元素。敲击的打击乐循环支撑着每个音轨,并且包括鼓 One-Shots,让您可以创建新的互补节拍。
‘Commercial Hip Hop Vol 3’ continues this series of cutting-edge modern Hip Hop arrangements, featuring five Construction Kits inspired by Drake, Kendrick Lamar & Kanye West. Featuring a range of contemporary Urban piano, synth, percussion and drum samples, you’re sure to find inspiration in this versatile pack. One-shots, dry loops and FX tails are included for added flexibility. Each of these five Kits covers a wide range of instrumentation, from deep sub basses to vocal chops and fragments and a wide range of ambient, melodic and chord elements. Banging percussive loops underpin each track and drum One-Shots are included, allowing you to create new complementary beats.