Commercial Hip Hop Vol.4 WAV-DECiBEL

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“Commercial Hip Hop Vol 4”标志着万众期待的回归。这些套件将 Lo-Fi 嘻哈元素与结 […]



“Commercial Hip Hop Vol 4”标志着万众期待的回归。这些套件将 Lo-Fi 嘻哈元素与结结巴巴的合成器、人声片段和飙升的弦乐相结合,旨在帮助您获得展示位置并留下自己的印记。由于旋律钢琴和弦乐的介绍,歌曲作者和说唱歌手会发现 downtempo Kits 超级用户友好,可以重写。但我们也加入了一些以俱乐部为导向的 Trap 节拍,以帮助您激发创造力并模糊流派界限。演示中的每个套件都被跟踪到循环部分。请注意,由于使用了硬件合成器,MIDI 文件不可用。
‘Commercial Hip Hop Vol 4’ marks the much-anticipated return. Combining Lo-Fi Hip Hop elements with stuttered synths, vocal fragments, and soaring strings, these Kits are designed to help you garner placements and make your mark. Songwriters and rappers will find the downtempo Kits super user-friendly to write over due to their melodic piano and strings intros. But we’ve also thrown in a few club-orientated Trap beats to help you spark your creativity and blur genre boundaries. Each Kit from the demo is tracked out into loop sections. Please note, MIDI files are not available though, due to the use of hardware synths.
