“Hit Makers Vol.1”包括 10 个出色的构建套件,用于制作商业、房屋和电子产品。所有曲调均以高品质 24 位录制。这个样本包是俱乐部音乐的一大进步。 Golden Samples 非常努力地为您提供最原创和最鼓舞人心的内容。 “Hit Makers Vol 1”将把你的作品带到另一个层次,让你成为俱乐部音乐的传奇。
‘Hit Makers Vol.1’ includes 10 fantastic Construction Kits for producing Commercial, House and Electro. All tunes have been recorded in high quality 24-Bit. This sample pack is a step forward in club music. Golden Samples has worked extremely hard to provide you the most original and inspiring content possible. ‘Hit Makers Vol 1’ will take your productions to another level and make you become a legend in club music.