音乐图书馆收藏了受 1980 年代音乐和电影启发的原创作品。包含丰富的低音、电影垫和复古键,它有效地捕捉了 10 首乐曲中的每首乐曲的怀旧感。每个乐器都经过我们专有的模拟硬件和模拟仿真混合处理,以充分体现那个时代的声音。该系列非常适合音乐制作、商业作品、电影等。
Music Library collection of original compositions inspired by the music and films of the 1980’s. Packed with rich bass, cinematic pads and vintage keys it effectively captures a feeling of nostalgia in each of the 10 compositions. Each instrument was processed with our proprietary blend of analog hardware and analog emulations to fully embody the sound of that era. This collection is perfect for music production, commercial work, film and more.