Starting a Club Track in Live 9 TUTORiAL

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Remixer extraordinaire Timothy Allan 回来了,并准备展示您不需要任何花哨的 […]



Remixer extraordinaire Timothy Allan 回来了,并准备展示您不需要任何花哨的第三方插件或乐器即可在 Live 9 中制作出色的曲目。在本系列中,Timothy 使用随机选择的样本开始俱乐部曲目,与 Live 9只有仪器和处理! Timothy 还包括他的 Live session 文件和示例,因此您可以与他一起工作和试验。 Timothy 在本系列的开头简要介绍了您可以从本系列中获得什么。接下来是样本选择。 Timothy 通过关闭 Live 的预览功能随机执行此操作,并且无法听到他正在选择的样本,直到它们在他的会话中,并加载到频道中!蒂莫西仔细考虑了决定制作什么样的曲目的思考过程,然后直接开始创建最初的主音。
Remixer extraordinaire Timothy Allan is back and ready to show that you don’t need any fancy third party plug-ins or instruments to make a great track in Live 9. In this series Timothy starts a club track using randomly selected samples, with Live 9 instruments and processing only! Timothy also includes his Live session file and samples so you can work and experiment along with him. Timothy begins the series with a short introduction to what you can expect from this series. Next it’s on to sample selection. Timothy does this randomly, by turning Live’s preview function off, and is unable to hear the samples he is selecting until they are in his session, and loaded into channels! Timothy goes over the thought process for deciding what kind of track to make and then jumps right onto creating the initial lead sound.
