African Dance ELASTiK

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非洲音乐是围绕着专门为跳舞而设计的富有感染力的节奏和节奏而建立的。跨越 10 首功能齐全的建筑热门歌曲,非洲舞 […]



非洲音乐是围绕着专门为跳舞而设计的富有感染力的节奏和节奏而建立的。跨越 10 首功能齐全的建筑热门歌曲,非洲舞蹈为您提供完美的跨界舞曲所需的一切,提供狂野、原始和独特的东西。非洲音乐是围绕着专门为跳舞而设计的富有感染力的节奏和节奏而建立的。借助非洲舞蹈——我们不断增长的非洲 Elastik 系列作品的一部分——我们捕捉到了这些凹槽的集合,并将它们与当代舞蹈音乐制作的元素巧妙地融合在一起。跨越 10 首功能齐全的建筑热门歌曲,非洲舞蹈为您提供完美的跨界舞曲所需的一切,提供狂野、原始和独特的东西。
African music is built around infectious grooves and rhythms designed specifically to dance to. Across 10 fully-featured construction hits, African Dance provides all you need for that perfect cross-over dance track that offers something wild, primal and distinctive. African music is built around infectious grooves and rhythms designed specifically to dance to. With African Dance – part of our growing African Series of Elastik titles – we have captured a collection of those grooves and expertly blended them with elements of contemporary dance music production. Across 10 fully-featured construction hits, African Dance provides all you need for that perfect cross-over dance track that offers something wild, primal and distinctive.
