Cartoon Swagger Vol.3 WAV-AUDIOSTRiKE

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“Cartoon Swagger Vol 3”以更智能的舞曲、肮脏的节奏和智能的爆音音符回归。另一个无填充循环 […]



“Cartoon Swagger Vol 3”以更智能的舞曲、肮脏的节奏和智能的爆音音符回归。另一个无填充循环库,可为您提供 phat basslines、tweaked hat、脉动节拍和喜怒无常的合成器所需的一切。通过这些蛇形节奏、清晰的节拍和时髦的合成器,让律动和你的创造力流动起来。 “Cartoon Swagger Vol 3”为您的工作室带来了独特的触手可及的氛围。从嘻哈到舞蹈,这种风格很有趣、很奇怪,而且几乎是普遍的。尝试将其与您的曲目混合,以获得意想不到的独特效果。
‘Cartoon Swagger Vol 3’ is back with more intelligent Dance music, grimy rhythms, and smart, popping notes. Another no-filler loop library that gives you all you need in phat basslines, tweaked hats, pulsating beats and moody synths. Get the groove and your creativity flowing with these snake-like rhythms, crystallized beats and funky synths. ‘Cartoon Swagger Vol 3’ brings its own quirky toe-tapping vibe into your studio. From Hip Hop to Dance, this style is fun, weird, and nearly universal. Try mixing it up with your tracks for unexpected and unique results.
