Make Dance Music with Gadget TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE

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除了电脑和 Korg 的小工具,你能创作出高质量的舞曲吗?加入本课程的 Drum ‘n’ Bass 和 EDM […]



除了电脑和 Korg 的小工具,你能创作出高质量的舞曲吗?加入本课程的 Drum ‘n’ Bass 和 EDM 制作人,一探究竟! Korg 的 Gadget 拥有 30 多种合成器和鼓机可供选择,为电子音乐家提供了一个有趣且富有创意的音乐制作环境。在本课程中,资深制作人 Nigel Broad 深入研究了这个“第二个 DAW”,并解释了如何超越它的限制。从参观 Gadget 的界面开始,Nigel 探索了所有基础知识:排序和选择小工具、缩放、设置速度、分配 MIDI CC、保存项目等。接下来,他通过调整和分层底鼓和添加其他元素以创建完整的图案。从那里,他解释了如何使用外部鼓循环来增强你的节拍,以及如何让它跟随你的项目的节奏。
Can you create quality dance music using nothing but a computer and Korg’s Gadget? Join Drum ‘n’ Bass and EDM producer in this course to find out! With more than 30 synths and drum machines to choose from, Korg’s Gadget offers electronic musicians a fun and creative music production environment. In this course, veteran producer Nigel Broad delves deep into this “second DAW”, and explains how to go beyond its limitations. Beginning with a tour of Gadget’s interface, Nigel explores all the basics: sorting and selecting gadgets, zooming, setting the tempo, assigning MIDI CC, saving projects, etc. Next, he builds the foundation of a track by tweaking and layering kick drums and adding other elements to create a full pattern. From there, he explains how to enhance your beat with an external drum loop, and how to make it follow the tempo of your project.
