Mixing Dance Music Essentials TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE

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混合电子音乐是一种冒险。它需要一套先进的技能。我们很高兴向您介绍 MixMaster DW,向您展示混音舞曲的 […]



混合电子音乐是一种冒险。它需要一套先进的技能。我们很高兴向您介绍 MixMaster DW,向您展示混音舞曲的要点。所以学会和丹尼混在一起!所有混音,无论您是在做摇滚、爵士还是古典音乐,都有针对每种流派的特定工具集。舞蹈和/或电子音乐也不例外。在本课程中,顶级舞曲混音和母带工程师 Daniel Wyatt 解释了他最喜欢的一些 EDM 混音要素,以确保他的混音尽可能动态和前沿。在他的 34 教程课程中,使用实时视频和屏幕截图拍摄,您将学习各种一流的技术。了解 Danny 如何使用饱和度为他的曲目添加色彩和沙砾。观看他部署不同类型的压缩和还原 EQ 以增加丰富性并在混音中开辟空间。最重要的是,您会喜欢 Danny 在镜头前的快速提示和见解,因为他如此清晰而愉快地解释了他的混音理念。
Mixing electronic music is an adventure. It requires an advanced set of skills. We’re pleased to introduce you to MixMaster DW to show you the essentials of mixing dance music. So learn to mix with Danny! All mixing, whether you’re doing rock, jazz or even classical, has a specific set of tools for each genre. Dance and/or electronic music is no different. In this course, top dance music mix and mastering engineer, Daniel Wyatt, explains some of his favorite EDM mixing essentials that ensure that his mixes are as dynamic and cutting edge as they can be. In his 34-tutorial course, shot both with live video and screen capture, you learn all kinds of top-notch techniques. See how Danny uses saturation to add color and grit to his tracks. Watch as he deploys different kinds of compression and reductive EQ to add richness and carve out space in his mixes. Most of all you’ll enjoy Danny’s on-camera quick tips and insights as he so clearly and cheerfully explains his mixing philosophy.
