Modern Pop EZkeys MiDi MAC

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尽管有时它可能在其他乐器的层次中,被调整或扭曲得几乎无法辨认,但不可否认的是,钢琴在当代流行音乐中仍然占有重要 […]



尽管有时它可能在其他乐器的层次中,被调整或扭曲得几乎无法辨认,但不可否认的是,钢琴在当代流行音乐中仍然占有重要地位。聆听 Ariana Grande、Kygo、Coldplay 或 P!nk 等人的国歌歌曲,您可以轻松地将其选为主要的旋律载体。鉴于 MIDI 的灵活性和无穷无尽的声音应用,将钢琴切换到另一种乐器,感觉会瞬间改变。这就是 Modern Pop EZkeys MIDI 包的用武之地。它旨在为您提供和弦进行和旋律结构的广泛基线,以激发您的下一批按键驱动的现代现代流行歌曲。而且,再一次,不要觉得只将 MIDI 用于钢琴。现代流行音乐是一个无边界且不断变化的声音景观,几乎没有任何规则适用。动笔!
Although it sometimes may be amid layers of other instrumentation, tweaked or distorted almost beyond recognition, there is no denying that the piano still has a prominent role in contemporary pop. Listen to anthemic songs by the likes of Ariana Grande, Kygo, Coldplay or P!nk and you can easily pick it out as the dominant melodic vehicle. And given the flexibility and endless sonic application of MIDI, switch the piano for another instrument and the feel changes in an instant. This is where the Modern Pop EZkeys MIDI pack comes in. It was designed to give you a broad baseline of chord progressions and melodic structures to spark your next batch of keys-driven, contemporary modern pop songs. And, again, don’t feel constrained to using the MIDI for only piano. Modern pop is a borderless and ever-changing sonic landscape where literally no rules apply. Start writing!
