SFX Dance Music Sound Design TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE

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白噪声、扫频、嗖嗖声、立管、背景噪声、人声效果……不仅仅是“锦上添花”,音效在舞曲中起着至关重要的作用。尝试在 […]



白噪声、扫频、嗖嗖声、立管、背景噪声、人声效果……不仅仅是“锦上添花”,音效在舞曲中起着至关重要的作用。尝试在所有音效都静音的情况下播放曲目,它肯定不会产生同样的影响!但是您究竟是如何创建它们的呢?在本课程中,舞蹈音乐专家亚当·波拉德(Adam Pollard)揭示了他制作自己的秘密武器、工具和技术。你如何创造原始的镲片效果?您如何使用任何合成器从头开始合成惊天动地的低音炮声音?乙烯基降速、白噪声和合成提升器效果怎么样?您应该使用哪些软合成器和效果器,何时使用?使用各种插件,Adam 揭示了内部信息,以帮助您设计所有这些……以及更多!
White noise, sweeps, swooshes, risers, background noises, vocal FX… More than just the “icing on the cake”, sound effects play a vital role in dance music. Try playing a track with all the sound effects muted, and it certainly won’t have the same impact! But how exactly do you create them? In this course, dance music expert Adam Pollard reveals his secret weapons, tools and techniques for crafting your own. How do you create pristine cymbal effects? How do you synthesize earth-shaking sub boom sounds from scratch, using any synth? What about vinyl spin down, white noise and synth riser effects? And which soft synths and effects should you use, and when? Using a variety of plugins, Adam reveals inside info to help you design all these… and more!
