Studio Vocals Vol.1 ACiD WAV

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灵感来自 Wiwek 之类的音乐,以及在 Tomorrowland 和 EDC 等音乐节中大量出现的声音。对于 […]



灵感来自 Wiwek 之类的音乐,以及在 Tomorrowland 和 EDC 等音乐节中大量出现的声音。对于任何寻找 EDM 和 Hard Dance 更疯狂一面的人来说,这都是必须的!你准备好去丛林旅行了吗? 巨大的丛林恐怖带您踏上与众不同的旅程。 如果您正在寻找最新鲜、最疯狂的声音……您来对地方了!!
Inspired by the likes of Wiwek, and the sounds which have featured heavily in festivals such as Tomorrowland & EDC.. this is a must for anyone looking for the crazier side of EDM & Hard Dance! Are you ready for a trip to the jungle?  Huge Jungle Terror takes you on a journey like no other.  If you are looking for the freshest, most crazy sounds… you have come to the right place!!
