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Twang,一种独特的吉他音色,在 60 年代塑造了 Surf-Rock、Rockabilly 和所谓的 Sp […]



Twang,一种独特的吉他音色,在 60 年代塑造了 Surf-Rock、Rockabilly 和所谓的 Spaghetti-Western 流派。由于它的重新发现,Twang 比以往任何时候都更新,只要听听塔伦蒂诺的电影。 Twang,一种独特的吉他音色,在 60 年代塑造了 Surf-Rock、Rockabilly 和所谓的 Spaghetti-Western 流派。由于它的重新发现,Twang 比以往任何时候都更新,只要听听塔伦蒂诺的电影。 Twang 独特的声音主要是通过在琴桥附近用拨片敲击配备单线圈的干净电吉他或男中音吉他的下弦而产生的。这种特定的音调和谐丰富且持续,通常通过弯曲琴弦或使用吉他的颤音臂来调节音高。真实的声音再现依赖于使用干净的 Fender 电子管放大,带有可听见的弹簧混响和磁带延迟作为附加成分。
Twang, a unique guitar sound that has shaped Surf-Rock, Rockabilly and the so-called Spaghetti-Western genre during the sixties. Due to its rediscovery, Twang is up-to-date, more than ever – just listen to Tarantino‘s movies. Twang, a unique guitar sound that has shaped Surf-Rock, Rockabilly and the so-called Spaghetti-Western genre during the sixties. Due to its rediscovery, Twang is up-to-date, more than ever – just listen to Tarantino‘s movies. The distinctive sound of Twang is mainly produced by hitting the lower strings of a single-coil-equipped clean electric or baritone guitar with a plectrum near the bridge. This specific tone is harmonically rich and sustaining and often modulated in pitch by string-bending or the use of the guitar‘s vibrato arm. Authentic sound reproduction relies on using clean Fender valve-amplification with audible spring reverb and a tape delay as additional ingredients.

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