是时候换新装了! Vengeance 为现代俱乐部制作人提供了超过 500 次累积、休息和填充。每个补声都经过多次混合(仅鼓、仅 fx、仅军鼓等),因此您可以组合和混合您自己的破坏舞池的补声。您还可以选择 4-32 小节的长度,以及 128 BPM(Electro、House 等)和 140 BPM(Dance、Dubstep 等)之间的选择。这个巨大的样本包非常节省时间和灵感来源,甚至包括 MIDI 文件,因此您可以合并自己的鼓和 FX 声音。不要错过!
It’s time for fresh, new fills! Vengeance arms modern club producers with more than 500 buildups, breaks and fills. Every fill is mixed down multiple times (drums only, fx only, snares only, etc.) so you can combine and mix your own dance floor-destroying fill. You can also select between 4-32 bars in length, and between 128 BPM (Electro, House, etc.) and 140 BPM (Dance, Dubstep, etc.). This huge sample pack is an incredible time saver and source of inspiration, and even includes MIDI files so you can incorporate your own drums and FX sounds. Don’t miss it!