Vocal Dance Anthems WAV MiDi-DiSCOVER

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声乐舞曲!五个巨大的发布就绪制作工具包,包含单独的突破性茎和 MIDI,用于完全的创意控制。一个令人惊叹的包, […]



声乐舞曲!五个巨大的发布就绪制作工具包,包含单独的突破性茎和 MIDI,用于完全的创意控制。一个令人惊叹的包,适合任何基于舞蹈类型的制作人,他们正在寻找优质的免版税人声以添加到他们自己的作品中。 或者使用随附的制作工具包直接开箱即用,以获得即时工作室灵感。在每个带有键标记的套件中,您会发现所有内容都整齐地排列在单独的音轨中,随时可以拖放到您选择的 DAW 中。
Vocal Dance Anthems! Five huge release ready production kits containing individual breakout stems & midi for complete creative control. A stunning pack for producers of any dance based genre looking for premium quality royalty-free vocals to add to their own productions.  Or get started straight out of the box with the included production kits ready for instant studio inspiration. Inside each key labeled kit you will find all content neatly arranged into individual track stems ready to drag and drop into your chosen DAW.
