Vocals For House Vol.2 WAV MiDi-DECiBEL

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“Vocals For House Vol 2”是“Vocals For House”系列的第二卷,里面有很棒 […]



“Vocals For House Vol 2”是“Vocals For House”系列的第二卷,里面有很棒的吉他即兴演奏和甜美的钢琴曲,与朗朗上口的流行歌声完美匹配。这个包带有四个高质量的样本构建套件,并具有制作下一个声乐 EDM 杰作所需的工具。再加上您的音乐制作工具库中精选的乐器茎和 MIDI,这款产品是完美的声乐构建套件和鼓舞人心的推动力。该产品包括一些真正的电吉他和钢琴以及包中的明星,朗朗上口的流行人声。 MIDI 文件的灵活性以及预览演示的简单性只是您可以使用此产品实现目标的垫脚石。只需拖放每个构建套件的所有有机元素,并使用 MIDI 文件围绕您的音轨自由构建。
‘Vocals For House Vol 2’ is the second volume of the ‘Vocals For House’ series loaded with great guitar riffs and sweet pianos that will match perfectly with the catchy Pop vocals also included. This pack comes with four top quality sample Construction Kits and features the tools you need to produce your next vocal EDM masterpiece. Add to this the great-sounding selection of instrumental stems and MIDI to your music production arsenal and this product is a perfect vocal Construction Kits and an inspirational boost. This product includes some real electric guitars and pianos along with the star of the pack, the catchy Pop vocals. The flexibility of MIDI files as well as the simplicity of the preview demos will only be the stepping stone of what you can achieve with this product. Just drag and drop all the organic elements of each Construction Kit and use the MIDI files to freely build around your track.
