超过 2800 个样本(1500 个立体声,1280 个单声道)。 100 分钟的运行时间,通过使用两个不同的通道进行单采样。每个声音都有其单独的索引编号,这使得在曲目中轻松找到任何样本。 1000 种令人惊叹的全新立体声 Dance-、Trance-、Rave-、Acid-、Techno-、Hardcore-和 House-合成器和贝司、风琴、打击垫、声码器、人声等……
More than 2800 Samples (1500 Stereo, 1280 Mono). 100 Minutes running-time by using two different channels for monosamples. Each sound has its individual index-Number which makes it easy to find any sample during a track. 1000 stunning new stereo Dance-, Trance-, Rave-, Acid-, Techno-, Hardcore- and House-Synths & Basses, Organs, Pads, Vocoders, Voices, etc…