Deep Bionic Vol.1 for MASSiVE

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深度仿生卷。 1 Mini Pack 是 NI Massive 预设系列中的第一个,旨在突破人们对这款令人惊叹 […]



深度仿生卷。 1 Mini Pack 是 NI Massive 预设系列中的第一个,旨在突破人们对这款令人惊叹的合成器的期望。用这种多功能的合成器探索声音设计的外部极限真的是一个永无止境的旅程,所以加入我们吧,我们将抛开界限,寻找创造音乐、氛围、效果、音景和乐器的新方法,这可能会让您想知道如何他们曾经被设想过。该系列的第一部分为您带来光点、拨弦、噪音和低音,它们可以以有助于为您的项目带来新灵感的方式进行扭曲和拉伸。它还具有几个强烈的音景垫,它们可以产生的东西和你可以把它们带到哪里似乎无穷无尽。从令人难忘和令人不寒而栗到可爱和有趣,这些声音可以被认为是前卫的,然后流行。
DeepBionic Vol. 1 Mini Pack is the first in a line of NI Massive preset collections that aim to push the envelope of what people heave come to expect from this amazing synth. Exploring the outer limits of sound design with a synth this versatile is really a never-ending journey, so join us as we leave the boundaries behind and find new ways to create music, atmospheres, FX, soundscapes and instruments that may leave you wondering how they were ever conceived. This first installment in the series brings you blips, plucks, noises and bass that can be twisted and stretched in ways that will help bring new inspiration to your projects. It also features a couple of intense soundscape pads that are seemingness endless in what they can produce and where you can take them. From haunting and chilling to cute and fun, the sounds can considered avant-garde one moment and pop the next.
