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Deep Chill,真正的夏日氛围,这个令人惊叹的建筑套件和循环系列为世界各地阳光明媚的海滩上那些寒冷和慵懒 […]



Deep Chill,真正的夏日氛围,这个令人惊叹的建筑套件和循环系列为世界各地阳光明媚的海滩上那些寒冷和慵懒的日子营造了氛围。该包包括一个巨大的 10 个歌曲构建套件,可在工作室中激发灵感,为您下一个深沉、寒冷和慢节奏的夏季节奏!熟练的制作技术,并通过这个温暖、低保真、乙烯基发声结构的集合捕捉慢节奏寒冷节拍的精髓套件。在这个包中,您可以找到不拘一格的声音集合,所有样本都经过广泛处理,以创造出温暖、嘈杂的黑胶唱片,带有怀旧而现代的旋律。 Deep Lo-Fi Chords、Dirty Analog Kicks、Pitched Down Piano 和 Strings、带有噼啪声的嘈杂合成器声音以及所有不完美的怪异之处,这些都将有助于在您的下一个 Downtempo Chill 曲目中营造出夏日氛围。包括 10 个带有精选鼓循环版本的歌曲构建套件和 Drum Hits 的奖励收藏!
Deep Chill, authentic summer vibes this amazing collection of construction kits and loops, sets the mood for those chilled and lazy days on sunny beaches across the world. The pack includes a massive 10 Song Construction Kits to spark inspiration in the studio for your next deep, chill and downtempo summer grooves!skillful production techniques and captures the essence of downtempo chilled beats with this collection of warm, lo-fi, vinyl sounding construction kits. In this pack you can expect to find an eclectic collection of sounds, all the samples were extensively processed to create that warm, noisy vinyl sound with nostalgic, yet modern melodies. Deep Lo-Fi Chords, Dirty Analog Kicks, Pitched Down Piano and Strings, Noisy Synth sounds with crackles and all the imperfect oddities that will help create those summer vibes in your next Downtempo Chill track. Includes 10 Song Construction Kits with select drum loop versions and a bonus collection of Drum Hits!
