Deep House Kits Ableton Live 9.7+

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用于 Ableton Live 的新乐器、鼓和效果架集合,带有“Deep House Kits”,这是一套经过 […]



用于 Ableton Live 的新乐器、鼓和效果架集合,带有“Deep House Kits”,这是一套经过专业设计的现代定制构建套件,旨在为您提供可用的最佳声音和模式。可能性是无穷无尽的,因为这个新鲜的 Ableton 声音库允许您预听并选择正确的声音并在几分钟内开始制作出色的音乐,您会发现这些声音适合许多不同的 House 子流派,只保留当今可用的最佳和真实的声音.使用您自己的更新样本,编辑 MIDI 剪辑、模式并调整宏控制效果,以使任何套件都独一无二。详细期望找到 10 个 keysigned 构建工具包文件夹,总共 42 个乐器架,包括合成器、华丽的垫子、新鲜的和弦和强大的技术贝司线以及 10 个完整的鼓架,旨在通过完整的设置提供广泛的声音控制可用于创建富有表现力的打击乐声音和独特变化的现成宏,提供对 Ableton 混音功能的快速控制,这些功能可以轻松映射到控制器的推子,以进行一些快速的动手编辑。所有套件都具有极轻的 CPU 负载,经过优化以提供舒适的工作流程,并预装了 114 个样本和 67 个 MIDI 模式的绝佳选择,由我们的 Pro 团队专业编程,以立即激发灵感,无论您处于何种 House 心情,准备好轻松试听和替换,带有现成的宏分配。
New collection of instruments, Drums and effect racks for Ableton Live with “Deep House Kits” a modern set of custom construction kits expertly created to provide you with only the best sounds and patterns available. Possibilities are endless since this fresh Ableton sound library allows you to pre-listen and choose the right sounds and start making great music in minutes, you will find the sounds are suited to many different House sub genres keeping only the best and authentic sounds available today. Update samples with your own, edit midi clips, patterns and tweak the macro control effects to make any of the kits unique. In detail expect to find 10 keysigned construction kit folders for a total of 42 instrument racks of synths, lush pads, fresh chords and powerful tech basslines as well as 10 full Drum Racks designed to offer a wide range of sound control through a full set up of ready made macros that can be used to create expressive percussion sounds and unique variations, offering quick control of Ableton mixing functions that can be easily mapped to your controller’s fader for some fast hands-on editing. All kits have an extremely light cpu charge, optimized to offer a comfortable workflow and comes pre-loaded with an excellent choice of 114 samples and 67 midi patterns, expertly programmed by our Pro team to instantly inspire, whatever House mood you’re in, ready for easy auditioning and replacing, with ready-made macro assignments.
